丰收葡萄酒-老树•新芽 Harvest Wine-Old Tree • New Sprout
设计师提炼“老树 • 新芽”的概念,用飘逸的枯墨来描述葡萄树在春天里发芽的状态,展示苍劲的葡萄老树生命力依然顽强,寓意始于 1979 年的老品牌“丰收”在时代中焕发新生。
Beijing Harvest Wine has a 40-year brand history so far. We have refined the concept of "Old Tree • Sprout" and used flowing dry ink to describe the state of vine sprouts in the spring,
showing that the vitality of the vigorous old grape tree is still tenacious, which implies that The old brand "Harvest Harvest" in 1979 gave a new life to the times.
Like a carol of life, singing a new life. Like a dancing band, praise the harvest.
设计出品:#景宽设计工作室 JK-Design-Studio
奖项:包装设计界奥斯卡 -- 英国Pentawards 2019奢侈品类别 金奖,2020 iF design award 德国iF设计奖
时间:2019-05-31 20:17:10 点击:4946