昊特兰酒庄-H•O•T  Chateau Hotland-H•O•T



The owner of the Chateau is a three-brother. Their genus is chicken, monkey, and cow. The zodiac chicken is a symbol of trustworthiness. The zodiac monkey is a symbol of wisdom. 

The zodiac cow is a symbol of hard work. These three symbols are the initial hearts of the three brothers on the winemaking: in the hot land of Helan Mountain, the three brothers used 

the trustworthiness, cleverness and hard work to make wine.

We design the letter HOT of the brand English into the abstract form of chicken, monkey and cow, H=chicken=trustworthy, O=monkey=smart, T=bull=hardworking. It symbolizes the 

identity of the three owners of the winery and the good intentions of their brewing products.

左和右创意团队:周景宽Creativity & Design

奖项:包装设计界奥斯卡 -- 英国Pentawards 2017奢侈品类别 铜奖,2017 Golden Pin Design Award 台湾金点奖,2020 iF design award 德国iF设计奖

时间:2019-05-31 20:16:45 点击:5380